Greetings from the Department – 9.2.2024

All groups [faggrupper] have been given a task to go through the course portfolio. We will consider many things: Is each course still relevant? Updated? Do the course and learning outcome descriptions describe the course well? Is the number of places on the course reasonable? Is there academic overlap with other courses, and if so, could we collaborate across group boundaries? And finally, is the course portfolio in line with the personnel resources in the group now and in a five-year perspective?

Mobility funds for researcher – to and from the University of Montpellier

The University of Montpellier – which is one of UiB’s partners in the CHARM-EU alliance – is announcing funding for researcher mobility. This applies to mobility stays in and out and applicants from universities in the CHARM-EU alliance will be given priority.

This can be a great opportunity to get to know one of CHARM-EU’s partners better.

UiB FERD Newsletter February 2024


February 2024

Welcome to the February edition of our monthly newsletter! As we find ourselves in the heart of winter, it’s the perfect time to reflect on our career goals and plan for the year ahead. Whether you’re exploring non-academic career paths, preparing for interviews, or looking for ways to advance in your current role, our February newsletter has something for everyone.

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Greetings from the Department – 9.2.2024

Instituttleder Ørjan Totland. Foto: Eivind Senneset, UiB

Dear all,

On 6 March there is a big celebration of bioCEED’s 10-year anniversary in the University aula (seeårsjubileum-seminar). bioCEED’s success as a Center for Excellence in Education is largely the result of the efforts of all of us at BIO. That is why I hope many will join the anniversary seminar where we summarize 10 years of teaching development and educational research in biology.