Fauna of Ægir Hydrothermal Vent Field
- 13.15-13.45
- Inkubatoren (rom 439C1), 4et, Bioblokken, Høyteknologisenteret
Marine metabarcoding: Applications and challenges
Professor Egil E. Karlsbakk, Associate Professor Christiane Eichner (both at BIO) and Associate Professor Aino Hosia (University Museum of Bergen)
Happy New Year to you all!
I hope you had a wonderful celebration and are ready for 2025!
Magnus Larsen has taken over as BIO’s primary contact for HR, replacing Therese Myhre Odfjell who has moved to a new position at the Medical faculty.
Magnus will be present at BIO Wednesdays and Thursdays after lunch.
From 1.1.2025, Tone Stokka is the Faculty’s new chief safety delegate. The function was previously held by Ann-Elise Jordal, who now enters into a new role as substitute chief safety delegate at UiB.
Read more in this news article at www.uib.no/nt [Norwegian language]
Applications must be submitted to the respective responsible persons by 20 January 2025
Application form [You may need to log in to MittUiB to be able to access the form]:
How do artificial intelligence and digital technology affect what we need to learn – and how do we learn it?
Sign-up deadline: 16.01.2025 – 12.00
Program and details here [Norwegian language]
Dear colleagues,
As we approach the end of 2024, I would like to take a moment to reflect on the year that has passed.
Tobias Trognitz has a Bsc in computer science and is currently a Bsc student in molecular biology. In parallel with his studies, he has engaged in research and continued to work on a project started by Kristine O. Rostad as a project student in BIO299. Kristine did a Msc in Molecular Biology, and currently works as a NCE seafood Trainee at Cargill, where she is enganged in among other things product development in fish feed, closely related to R&D.
In a recently published work: «Accelerated Sarcopenia Phenotype in the DJ-1/Park7-Knockout Zebrafish» they share first authorship.
There aren’t many days left until we hopefully get to recharge over the Christmas holidays! These days, we at the study section are working a lot to conclude the year with the practicalities of completing exams and planning for the start of the spring semester. The deadline for course registration for students is Wednesday January 8th and classes start the following week.
[Our translation]
2024 has been another eventful year in our sector, with some major upheavals. Barely three weeks into the new year, the then Research and Higher Education Minister Sandra Borch resigned, and four days later Oddmund Hoel became the third minister for our sector during a three-year period. However, Hoel did not come…Continue reading
[Our translation]
UiB is creating a new civil engineering program in Geophysics at GFI, and BIO is creating the university’s first double degree together with Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würtzburg, Germany.
[Our translation]
Institutt for biovitenskap ved Fakultet for naturvitenskap og teknologi vant Ugleprisen 2024. Tildelingen skjedde ved utdanningsutvalgets årlige studiekvalitetsseminar, fredag.
– Fantastic and well deserved! This group has worked hard to give the students the opportunity to present their work. The poster symposium has become a great gathering for the entire department and gives the students an excellent opportunity to discuss their own and fellow students’ work, says head of department Ståle Ellingsen at the Department of Biosciences (BIO).
Read the whole news article at uib.no/nt [Norwegian language]
[Our translation]
In relation to ongoing service work on the fire alarm system at Bioblokken and Datablokken, there will be a test of the FIRE ALARM BELLS between 7 and 8am Tuesday 17. December.
To all Ocean-engaged employees and students at UiB:
If yes, find out how UiB Ocean can support you. Be aware of deadlines!
Øyvind Fiksen,
UiB Ocean
[Our translation]
The species data bank (Artsdatabanken) is preparing the start of a new round of risk assessments and wants to give employees at your institution the opportunity to contribute to this important work.