Lab breakfast about podcasts October 31st

Foto: UiB

Good morning!

On Thursday 31 October, UiB invites the learning lab to refresh its academic skills with a lab breakfast about podcasts.

There will be contributions from two active podcasters and a great opportunity to discuss podcast use at UiB. You can also have a look at our new podcast studio, which has been significantly upgraded this year.

Greetings from the Department

Hello everyone,
As many may already know, I have stepped into the role of head of education for BIO. This is a temporary position for Anne Bjune, who has a well-deserved year off from research.

BIO survey on internal information and communication – final report

Internal communication and information was one of 3 prioritized follow-up points after the working environment survey that was carried out in the autumn of 2023. In the spring of 2024, a working group was set up with the task of mapping the flow of communication and internal information at the department.  The main part of the survey was a survey among all the department’s employees.

Fire drill at Biologen (Thormøhlensgt 53A/B) October 15th – summary

On Tuesday, 15th October, we had a fire drill at the 53A/B building. The aim was to practice evacuation and effective information flow. The evacuation was not as quick as previously (4 minutes, April 10th, 2024, our record, so far) but still as desired, regarding time consumption: both buildings were emptied in 5 minutes. This is still a very good result, yet keep in mind that in case of a real fire, one minute could make a big difference for the fire progression.

Good news from our neighbours: Nature article from the Department of Physics and Technology and new important infrastructure for the Department of Chemistry

[Our translation]

New gamma radiation phenomenon discovered by NASA’s research aircraft

Researchers at the University of Bergen have discovered a hitherto unknown phenomenon of gamma radiation in thunderstorms. The findings, published in Nature today, show that gamma radiation from thunderclouds is more complex and dynamic than previously thought.

Read the whole story on [Norwegian language]

Milliondryss til infrastruktur

Kjemisk institutt får forskningsrådsfinansiering til ny nasjonal forskningsinfrastruktur for robotisering innen kjemisk eksperimentering.

Read the whole story at [Norwegian language]

Thu 24 Oct. Webinar on cooperation with China

[Our translation.  The webinar will be in English]

China is at the forefront of a number of fields of knowledge of importance to Norway, and we have recently entered into a new bilateral agreement with China on research collaboration. At the same time, national threat assessments point to China as a threat actor for Norway. To be able to navigate this geopolitical landscape, we need more knowledge about how China is developing.

In this webinar, we invite experts from Europe and Beijing to inform about important frameworks for and changes in knowledge cooperation with China. The webinar is in English.