Dear colleagues, Thank you for all responses we received for our work environment survey. We have received a total of 104 responds, distributed as shown in the graph above. We plan to present the results from the survey in the…
Category: HSE
Do you need a quiet(er) office for a periode?
Even if measures have been made to reduce the level of noise from the boat placed at the dock outside Biologen/Høyteknologisenteret, the noise may still be disruptive in some offices at times. If you need a quieter workplace, please contact…
Status update on the ongoing noise-issues due to work in Store Lungegårdsvann
The Estate and Facilities Management Divison (EIA) represented by Jan-Terje Nygaard, continuously follows up the noise situation related to the gravel laying work in Store Lungegårdsvann and the work boat which is located at the quay outside TM53/55. Several measures…
Status update on the current noise situation at Marineholmen
Hi, In the following please find an updated status of the noise at Marineholmen. Noise measurements have been carried out and we received the report on Tuesday this week, see attachment [Norwegian language].
Reminder: BIO’s work environment survey 2023
Many has already responded, but we take the opportunity to remind those of you who have not, that the deadline for answering the survey is 1 November.
REMINDER: questionnaire as part of the ongoing HSE-rounds for offices and laboratories
The HSE- safety round is planned for November and December. We ask you kindly to answer two questionnaires for the HSE-rounds for offices and laboratories. We hope everyone can set aside 5 minutes to answer the questions. We aim to…
Noise and exhaust from boat at Marineholmen
Hi all, UiB has leased berths to Boston and the boat “Ren havn”, a company that has been hired by Bergen municipality to work on the remedial work with Store Lungegårdsvannet. The original rental period and planned work is in…
Tue 21 Nov. Digital breakfast seminar: Preparedness – security – safety
Breakfast seminar – The good working environment A changing working life – what about the working environment? Digital breakfast seminar on Tuesday 21 November on Zoom at 0830-1000 The seminar will be held digitally on 21 November at 0830-1000 on…
New chemical inventory system and exposure register at UiB. Online training November 9th
The old chemical inventory system (EcoOnline) has been discontinued and we have got a new system called The training will be held 9th of November 09.00-11.00 on TEAMS (in English). It’s a two-hour digital course.
Non-conformities in the handling of problematic waste
Another HSE non-conformity has been registered at BIO due to inadequate closure of yellow waste boxes (problematic waste). Two boxes have been placed in the waste room in T55 with gloves and other waste visibly sticking out. This is not…