Category: Communication

UiB research news webpage

The Rector’s office has established a news page for research, where they will collect research related news from all over UiB. The page is located as a separate tab on UiB research page.

Har du lyst til å skrive for tidsskriftet Naturen i høst?

Norwegian language only I så fall – ikke nøl. Vi tar imot artikler både fra studenter, forskere, teknikere og andre som ønsker å formidle naturvitenskap til et bredt og interessert publikum. Tidsskriftet Naturen er Norges eldste populærvitenskapelige tidsskrift (startet i…

Lifte through the looking glass

BIO researchers Francesca Pinton and Petra Kovacikova, are recently represented in the “Life through the looking glass” exhibitionThis online exhibition presents works-in-process of young scientists from the EvoCELL EvoCELL Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network. The researchers are studying animal evolution…