Category: HSE

Safety round for offices January 2023 – summary

The safety round for offices for 2022 was postponed due to the relocation process, which was completed in December 2022. A survey was sent out to uncover any deficiencies in the employees’ offices. The inspection was carried out on Monday…

Fire safety update

Recently we had fire safety drills in both buildings, T53 A/B and T55. Many of us have changed offices or labs recently, we therefore encourage everyone to familiarize themselves with the nearest emergency exit and have in mind an alternative…

HSE-Round 2022

This year we will split the HSE-round in two. We start with the laboratories located in A-building and BO-building. For the B-building we will wait until the moving process is completed. We hope to finish the HSE-round for the B-building…

Where to find first aid heart starters at BIO

We would like to make everyone aware that we have 3 first aid heart starters (AED – Automated External Defibrillator) on our premises. Please click on the links below to see an image of the location of each (you need…

Fire safety

We had a successful fire drill for the A&B block on Thursday this week. Please note that you can always find information about Fire Safety in BIOs Fire Safety handbook and in the HSE-gateway. Info about local contact person within…