[Our translation] At the Department of Biological Sciences, there is a vacancy for an intermediate 20% position as university lecturer in science didactics. The position is for an annual period of 1.5 years and is linked to teaching on the…
Category: BIO News
Wed 15 Nov. PhD defense, Petra Kovacikova
Evolutionary Origin and Developmental Relationships of Germline, Gonads, and Embryonic mesodermal precursors When: 14.00-15.00 Where: Zoom webinar, https://tinyurl.com/y24zsthb
Wed 15. Nov. Master’s presentation, Siri Magnusson Seljelid
Putative effects of QTL on the development of cardiomyopathy syndrome (CMS) in natural infected Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in marine production When: 9.15-9.45 Where: Zoom – contact hilde.armo@uib.no for link
Greetings from the Department – 03.11.2023
Dear all, Many thanks to all of you who responded to the employee survey (the deadline was earlier this week). We have received over 100 responses, and this forms a very good basis for further work on strengthening the academic-social…
Status update on the current noise situation at Marineholmen
Hi, In the following please find an updated status of the noise at Marineholmen. Noise measurements have been carried out and we received the report on Tuesday this week, see attachment [Norwegian language].
Tue 7 Nov. MolBio seminar Evgeny Onishchenko
Age-balance analysis of protein metabolism When: 9.15-10.00 Where: Inkubatoren, rom 439C1, 4et Bioblokken
Thu 9. Nov. Guest lecture, Beth Scott, University of Aberdeen
Ecosystems, Climate Change and Offshore Energy: How do we achieve sustainability? When: 14.15-15.45 Where: UiB Læringsarena, Nygårdsgaten 5, Storsalen Welcome to a guest lecture by Professor Beth Scott from the University of Aberdeen, School of Biological Sciences. Refreshments will be…
Greetings from the department – 27.10.2023
Hello from the study administration! Now a lot is happening in the near future! We in the study section are well underway with planning for the spring and there will probably be questions from us about the spring class and…
Reminder: BIO’s work environment survey 2023
Many has already responded, but we take the opportunity to remind those of you who have not, that the deadline for answering the survey is 1 November.
REMINDER: questionnaire as part of the ongoing HSE-rounds for offices and laboratories
The HSE- safety round is planned for November and December. We ask you kindly to answer two questionnaires for the HSE-rounds for offices and laboratories. We hope everyone can set aside 5 minutes to answer the questions. We aim to…