Sustainable investment in sustainability The sustainability perspective has come more into focus in recent years, and that is a good thing. BIO also has a role to play here, and it is timely that sustainability is highlighted as a natural…
Category: BIO News
Reminder: Nomination of candidates to the Department Council, representing groups B (temporarily employed staff in teaching and research positions) and D (students)
New members representing group B (temporarily employed staff in teaching and research positions) and group D (students) are to be elected for the period of 1.8.2023-31.7.2024. The deadline for nominations is March 20th.
Fri 24. Mar. Master’s presentation Mia Kristin Sandnes Nilsen
A Structural and Functional Study of Chondroitin Sulfate Proteoglycan-4 (CSPG4/NG2) 10.00-10.30 Digital: Contact for link
Greetings from the Department – 10.03.2023
Hi everyone, First of all; Congratulations to Odd-André Karlsen and Peter Manning, who have both been promoted to professor. Both make a huge effort in research and teaching and joint tasks for BIO, so this is very well deserved.
Tue 14. Mar. PhD trial lecture and defense, Anja Møgelvang
9.00-9.45 Trial lecture: How can we help our colleagues in STEM use active learning. 11.00-14.00 Disputation: Cooperative Learning in Undergraduate STEM Education: Applications and Outcomes Auditoriet, VilVite, Thormøhlens gt 51
Wed 15. Mar. PhD mid-term presentation, Mats Bøgwald
Protist parasites of Norwegian mussles (Mytilus spp.) with emphasis on Marteilia sp.) 10.15-11.00 Room K3/K4, Biologen, A-blokken
Fri 17. Mar. PhD mid-term presentation, Endre Lygre
Developing a feeding protocol for grow-out Atlantic halibut based on growth, physicaological resonses to feeding frequensis 9.15-10.00 Room 439C1 (the Inkubator), 4et, Høyteknologisenteret, Bioblokken
Greetings from the department 3.3.2023
Most of you are now aware that BIO’s research strategy for the next 10 years (?) is to focus on scientific topics through retirements, i.e., the individual researcher who is not retired will have the opportunity to focus on far…
Test of FIRE ALARMS and VOICE NOTIFICATIONS at Thormøhlens gate 53A/B
In relation to annual service of the fire alarm system at Thormøhlensgt 53A/B, there will be a test of the FIRE ALARMS and VOICE NOTIFICATION system Tuesday February 28th between 7 and 8am. There is no need to vacate the…
Thu 2. Mar. Mid-term presentation Malene Slinning
Lice Vault- Implementing a model organism for studying vault function and application as smart adjuvant for fish vaccination 10.15–11.00 K3/K4, Biologen, Thormøhlens gt 53B