Types of vaccines for farmed fish, their advantages and disadvantages and the immune responses they stimulate. 9.15-10.00 Lille auditorium, Høyteknologisenteret Committee Anita Rønneseth, Tom Ole Nilsen and Øystein Sæle
Category: BIO News
Editorial – 6.12.2024
The teacher’s retreat at BIO started as part of bioCEED and has now been continued organized by the department. This is an annual gathering highly desired by the educators at BIO and is crucial for maintaining and developing the strengths…
Tue 10. Dec. PhD trial lecture, Ruben Javier Lopez
Microbial sulfur metabolism and its implication for climate change 14.15-15.00 Lille auditorium, Høyteknologisenteret Committee Gyri T. Haugland, Håkon Dahle, førsteamanuensis and Anita Rønneseth
Fri 13. Dec. PhD defense, HaoHang Fao
Interaction between dietary lipids and zinc in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) 9.15-12.00 Zoom webinar: https://tinyurl.com/4825vzs7 Press release [Norwegian language]
Editorial – 29.11.24
Not everyone at BIO may be familiar with the Plastics Network. This initiative was established a few years ago as part of UiB’s strategic focus on marine research. The Plastics Network aims to promote cross-disciplinary research on plastic and microplastic…
Editorial – 22.11.2024
The team of technicians at BIO represents a solid and broad range of expertise and skills, as the 2023 technician report clearly demonstrated.
Agenda for the HSE-day Monday November 25th
Clarification of routines when receiving guests at BIO
We still get quite a few questions regarding which rules and routines apply when receiving guests – including trainees. We would therefore like to point out the following:
Student Poster Symposium at BIO – Autumn 2024 November 26th
Everyone is warmly welcome to the student poster symposium for the following BIO-courses: BIO300a Academic Writing MOL231 Project in Molecular Biology BIO299 Research Practice in Biology
Tue 26 Nov. MolBio seminar, Christian Grønås
A lipidome investigation of healthy vs Parkonson induced/DJ-1 KO Zebrafish using NMR and LC-MS 9.15-10.00 “The incubat”, room 439C1, 4th floor, Bioblokken, Høyteknologisenteret