The application deadline for UiB’s trust funds and the L. Meltzers Høyskolefond is 23. januar 2023. The application portal opened 2. January.
Category: Research
Registration of publications for 2022 in the Cristin database
We hereby remind that all researchers must check by 31 January that all their scientific publications for 2022 are correctly registered in Cristin and that A fulltext-file of the publication has been uploaded Project number(s) are entered for each publication…
Plass på forskningsinstallasjoner ved BIO, Marineholmen RAS Lab og innenfor driftsavtalen UiB/ILAB vårsemesteret 2023
Norwegian language Søknadene må være de respektive ansvarlige i hende innen 20. januar. Søknadsskjema:
REMINDER: deadline to register intended NFR proposals is December 14th
If you have plans to apply as coordinator (or partner!) to a NFR call in February 2023 please find the department’s internal deadlines below. Note the 14 December deadline to register your proposal(s) in skjemaker. If participating in more than one application,…
FRIPRO young talents call: Application deadline is set
Norwegian language 25. november ble det klart at Forskningsrådet får 1,64 milliarder kroner gjennom nysalderingen av statsbudsjettet. Dette betyr blant annet at vi kan tildele midler til Forskerprosjekt for unge talenter i 2023 og søknadsfristen blir 15. mars 2023. Mer om…
ERC Proposal Reading Day – Bergen 07.12.22
NFR is organizing an “ERC Proposal Reading Day” in Bergen for researchers who are planning an ERC Consolidator or Advanced Grant application in 2023.
Erasmus+ 2023: Increased by 120 millioner euro
Norwegian language I dag offentliggjorde Europakommisjonen utlysningene i Erasmus+-programmet for 2023. Totalbudsjettet forventes å være på rundt 3,7 milliarder euro.
Open Digital Café: Horizon Europe Cluster 6 – Food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture & environment
When: 25. januar kl. 09:00-09:50 NFR welcomes all researchers who are interested in preparing project proposals, or just curious about the possibilities of this cluster, to an open digital café.
Internal deadline and routines for applications towards NFR call deadline February 2023
If you have plans to apply as coordinator (or partner!) to a NFR call in February 2023 please find the department’s internal deadlines below. Note the 14 December deadline to register your proposal(s) in skjemaker. If participating in more than…
NFR news regarding 2023 Proposals
NFR information webinars NFR has arranged a number of information webinars pertaining to calls of the next application round. The streamed recordings can be found via the link below.