Category: UiB News

Two UiB calls with deadlines in September and October

Norwegian language Utlysning av midler til forprosjekter og faglig pilotarbeid 2023 – UiBs Humaniorastrategi søknadsfrist 29. september 2023 Retningslinjer Søknadsskjema Sluttrapport Midler til samarbeidsprosjekt og faglige møteplasser innen Globale samfunnsutfordringer 2023 søknadsfrist 2. oktober 2023

Personal promotion to Professor 2023

Eligible candidates may now submit applications for personal promotion to professor. Application deadline: 15. september 2023. Please find further info and application form here:   Personal promotion to Professor | Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet | UiB

Marine Masters at the University Museum of Bergen

Hei, At the Department of Natural History, University Museum of Bergen, we have established a blog presenting our marine master’s projects which are available with us: should be of interest to BIO-students.

Application for research cruises 2024

The application portal for cruises using the Institute of Marine Reserach’s vessels is now open. Application deadline: 25. August 2023. Deadline for prioritizing and approval of applications: 1. September 2023. Attachment 1 – informasjon om søknadsprosedyre (Information on the application…

NRC: Information meeting for potential applicants at UiB 31. May

Norwegian language Viserektor Gottfried Greve inviterer UiBs fagmiljøer som er interessert i Forskningsrådet sin utlysning midler under nasjonal forskningsinfrastruktur (INFRASTRUKTUR) i 2023 til informasjonsmøte. Målgruppen er UiBs søkermiljøer inkludert forskere, ledere og administrative. 31.05.2023 – 08.30–10.00 FIA sine lokaler i Jekteviksbakken…

UiB Ferd Newsletter for Early-Stage Researchers May 2023

UiB Ferd Career Center for Early-Stage Researchers UiB Ferd Career Center for Early-Stage Researchers supports younger researchers in their career development. The center will offer individual career guidance and a variety of courses to increase the target groups’ career awareness…