Dyreetikk-konferansen 2022 – invitation

Norwegian language

Rådet for dyreetikk arrangerer hvert år en dyreetikk-konferanse. Vi håper du har anledning til å delta på årets konferanse som har tittelen Noen dyr er likere enn andre. Hvorfor behandler vi dyr forskjellig?.

The Pandemic Centre’s January course is open for registration

Title: Learning from the COVID-19 pandemic: an interdisciplinary approach

More info and application form


Pandemisenterets januarkurs (ELMED328 Læring fra COVID-19: En tverrfaglig tilnærming) er nå åpent for påmelding. Kurset går over de første to ukene av januar, og bygger på tilsvarende kurs holdt i fjor. Fjorårets kurs fikk gode tilbakemeldinger, og vi håper at neste kurs blir minst like vellykket. Hemmeligheten er, selvfølgelig, at vi lykkes i å rekruttere de rette studentene.

Kurset egner seg for studenter på Mastergrad- eller PhD-nivå, og er også åpent for studenter ved andre partnerinstitusjoner/fakultet. PhD-kandidater fra UiB (alle fakultet) vil ha førsteprioritet.

Beste hilsen,

Magnus Vollset
IGS / Pandemisenteret
Universitetet i Bergen
Tlf: +47 55 58 91 91

Have a nice weekend!

Eikenøtt. Foto: Geir Daasvatn

This week’s newsletter is a bit simplified, with no greeting from the Department management due to this week’s holiday (“høstferie”).  I wish you all a splendid weekend without too many nuts to crack.


Knut Olav


Knut Olav Daasvatn


HSE-Round 2022

Foto/illustrasjon: UiB

This year we will split the HSE-round in two. We start with the laboratories located in A-building and BO-building. For the B-building we will wait until the moving process is completed. We hope to finish the HSE-round for the B-building during December/January.

Greetings from the Department – 7.10.2022

This week’s update comes from the Study section which I am heading. I am increadibly proud of the section and the splendid guys working there – who most of you know well! The last few weeks (months) have been very hectic, but now the work on carving out adjustments/alterations to the curriculums of our bachelor’s and master’s programmes has been concluded, the start of semester is behind us and we are falling back into a more normal rythm.

All proposed curriculum adjustments/alterations has been forwarded to the Faculty and we hope most of them will be passed without difficulty. A lot of work has been done on the Civil engineer in aquaculture curriculum in particular, to provide a little more flexibility for students who wish to do a semester abroad, something they have been asking for for a long time. When we get the go-ahead from the Faculty, we will post the minutes on the “Råd og utvalg” website. Currently, the work on the mandatory programme evaluations is progressing, and we particularly appreciate having the students’ voices included here. Updates on the evaluations will come after Christmas.

We recently had a very exciting teachers’ meeting focusing on student workload.  It seems that several course in charges (emneansvarlige) and programme boards are currently looking into this, that’s great!  The study section will be happy to offer any assistance we can, so please feel free to be in touch.

As of 18th October, the Faculty’s career week REALISER commences.  The goal is to increase knowledge and awareness of the transition from student life to a professional career.  Feel free to visit Realfagbygget to see what’s going on, you can find the schedule here:


Lastly I want to remind everyone of the teacher’s retreat at Voss 28-29 November.  The topic is assessment, and I look forward to many exciting discussions on the subject.

I wish everyone an absolutely fabulous weekend!



Beate Ulrikke Rensvik
