Researchers from UoB can apply for funding to cover Article Processing Charges (APC) to publish Open Access.
Category: Calls
Trond Mohn Foundation and the UIB jointly announce a Research Program for Translational Research in Epidemiology
This content is only available in Norwegian (below) More information in English is available here: Utlysningsteksten TRACE.pdf (
Horizon Europe Infor Day – Cluster 6 2023 Calls: Save the date
This content is only available in Norwegian (below)
NFR Applicant Webinars for EU Mission: A Soil Deal for Europe
This content is only available in Norwegian (below)
Invitation: SANO Exchange Program Cohort 3
Friends; I just want to make sure your students are made aware of this opportunity for co-working with South Africa: For more information, please see
Biodiversa+ BiodivMon Call
Deadline for pre-proposals submission (mandatory): 09.11.2022 Deadline for full-proposals submission: 05.04.2023 “Improved transnational monitoring of biodiversity and ecosystem change for science and society” This call will cover the following three non-exclusive research themes: Innovation and harmonisation of methods…
Utlysning TMS Trustworth AI – generell informasjon og MN fakultetets prosess
Norwegian language TMS har satt av 20 MNOK til 5-8 forskningsprosjekter og inviterer UiBs forskermiljøer til å sende inn søknader. Det er styringsgruppen for UiB AI som vil nominere blant UiBs prosjektsøknader. De nominerte vil bli invitert til å sende…
Arctic Frontiers 2023 – Emerging Leaders 2023
Norwegian language Emerging Leaders er et mentorprogram i forbindelse med de årlige Arctic Frontiers-konferansene i Tromsø. Mentorprogrammet starter i Bodø og deltakerne reiser med Hurtigruten til Tromsø hvor programmet avsluttes med deltakelse på Arctic Frontiers 2023.
Arctic Field Grant (AFG) – Funding for Fieldwork in Svalbard (Reminder)
Application deadline16 November 2022, 13:00 CET
Two Young CAS Fellowships available at Senter for grunnforskning (CAS)
Are you a young researcher looking for a unique opportunity to grow your professional network and develop your research?