During week 25, between Monday 19th and Friday 23rd of June, Caverion will perform the yearly inspection of the fume cupboards at Thormøhlensgt. 53 A / B. In cooperation with Caverion, the cupboards need to be emptied. Caverion will be…
Category: HSE
HSE adaptations during prenancy
The Department’s HSE handbook has a chapter on adaptations during pregnancy, please see below for the updated guidelines. The HSE handbook can always be found on our internal staff information page at MittUiB: https://mitt.uib.no/courses/11056?invitation=7Rd7DJ8TsjdNTSHinRtLMrSgVC70uY5T6z5T1RJq
Guidelines for use and serving of alcohol at the University of Bergen
These guidelines apply to alcohol use and serving of alcohol at the University of Bergen.
Test of FIRE ALARMS and VOICE NOTIFICATIONS at Thormøhlens gate 53A/B
In relation to annual service of the fire alarm system at Thormøhlensgt 53A/B, there will be a test of the FIRE ALARMS and VOICE NOTIFICATION system Tuesday February 28th between 7 and 8am. There is no need to vacate the…
Safety round for offices January 2023 – summary
The safety round for offices for 2022 was postponed due to the relocation process, which was completed in December 2022. A survey was sent out to uncover any deficiencies in the employees’ offices. The inspection was carried out on Monday…
HSE summary safety round for the laboratories at BIO January 2023
The safety round for laboratories in 2022 was split in two, and the last part of the round was completed on 10 January 2023.
Velkommen til frokostseminar mandag 20.februar – Arbeidsmiljø – organisasjonskultur – medvirkning
Norwegian language Det gode arbeidsmiljø Arbeidsliv i endring – hva med arbeidsmiljøet ? Digitalt frokostseminar mandag 20.februar på Zoom kl.0830-1000
Fire safety update
Recently we had fire safety drills in both buildings, T53 A/B and T55. Many of us have changed offices or labs recently, we therefore encourage everyone to familiarize themselves with the nearest emergency exit and have in mind an alternative…
Nomination of candidates for UiB’s working environment award
The University of Bergen have established a yearly award to raise awareness and stimulate efforts to improve the working environment at UiB’s units. The award consists of a diploma and 75.000 NOK. Deadline: 11. December. Read more and nominate candidates…
HSE-Round 2022
This year we will split the HSE-round in two. We start with the laboratories located in A-building and BO-building. For the B-building we will wait until the moving process is completed. We hope to finish the HSE-round for the B-building…