Category: BIO News

Biologisk fagutvalg, BFU

We in the “Biologisk fagutvalg” (BFU) represent both bachelor’s and master’s students in biology at UiB. We act as a link between the students and the Department of Biological Sciences, and organize several social and academic events. Some of the…

Mon 24. Apr. PhD trial-lecture and disputation, Jarrod Cusens

Trial lecture Transformative change toward sustainability: Concepts and pathways 11.30-12.15 Room K3/K4, Blokk B, Biologen / Zoom webinar:   Disputation Mapping the connections: an integrated approach to mapping nature’s contributions to people in a Nordic biosphere 14.15-17.00 Lille auditorium,…

Tue 25. Apr. MolBio seminar, Endre Lygre

Exploring central and peripheral appetite-regulating peptides in the brain and gastrointestinal tract in grow-out Atlantic halibut 09.15–10.00 Room 439C1 (the Incubator), 4th floor, Bioblokken, Høyteknologisenteret

Greetings from the Department 14.04.2023

Dear all, Welcome back after a hopefully good Easter holiday. I hope you have recharged your batteries for the spring activities. Now the OneOcean Week starts with a multitude of exciting activities and offers aimed at sustainable oceans. BIO and…

Mon 17. Apr. PhD trial lecture and defense – Marius Ole Johansen

9.15-10.00 – Prøveforelesning: Study motivation and turnover intentions: Implications for students and universities Rom K1/K2, Biologen, blokk B   12.15-14.30 – Disputas: Effects of autonomy and control on student motivation and functioning in higher education Stort auditorium, Datablokken, Høyteknologisenteret

Tue Apr 18. bioCEED seminar(s)

12.30-13.30 Seminarrom 217-218, Bjørn Christiansens hus, Christiesgate 12 Halgeir Halvari: Motivation and organizational behavior. Lennia Matos: Studying the role of basic psychological needs and which needs matter for well-being