Category: UiB News

Personal promotion to Professor 2023

Eligible candidates may now submit applications for personal promotion to professor. Application deadline: 15. september 2023. Please find further info and application form here:   Personal promotion to Professor | Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet | UiB

Marine Masters at the University Museum of Bergen

Hei, At the Department of Natural History, University Museum of Bergen, we have established a blog presenting our marine master’s projects which are available with us: should be of interest to BIO-students.

Application for research cruises 2024

The application portal for cruises using the Institute of Marine Reserach’s vessels is now open. Application deadline: 25. August 2023. Deadline for prioritizing and approval of applications: 1. September 2023. Attachment 1 – informasjon om søknadsprosedyre (Information on the application…

NRC: Information meeting for potential applicants at UiB 31. May

Norwegian language Viserektor Gottfried Greve inviterer UiBs fagmiljøer som er interessert i Forskningsrådet sin utlysning midler under nasjonal forskningsinfrastruktur (INFRASTRUKTUR) i 2023 til informasjonsmøte. Målgruppen er UiBs søkermiljøer inkludert forskere, ledere og administrative. 31.05.2023 – 08.30–10.00 FIA sine lokaler i Jekteviksbakken…

UiB Ferd Newsletter for Early-Stage Researchers May 2023

UiB Ferd Career Center for Early-Stage Researchers UiB Ferd Career Center for Early-Stage Researchers supports younger researchers in their career development. The center will offer individual career guidance and a variety of courses to increase the target groups’ career awareness…

Changes in e-mail services 7 May

We refer to previous notification about restructuring of the e-mail system at UiB (repeated below). We are working on a conversion project to replace “Unix e-mail” with Outlook/Exchange. This is a major change affecting Unix e-mail, which has been in…