Category: BIO News
24-inch monitors are given away
We have inherited a number of old 24-inch monitors from the IT department. They are from around 2012 and have Display Port, DVI and VGA inputs but no HDMI. Some of them have a few small scratches and such but…
Tue 24. Oct. PhD trial-lecture, Sissel Norland
Circadian Clock Mechanisms in Fish When: 11.00-11.45 Where: Seminar room K1, 1. et, TM53A
Fri 3. Nov. PhD defense, Sissel Norland
Organization, transformation, and activation of the melanocortin system in Atlantic salmon When: 10.15-12.15 Where: Lille auditorium, TM55
Thu 19. Oct. Master’s presentation Rachel Rodrigues Lima
Environmental DNA methods for detection of wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Haugsdalselva, Masfjorden, Norway When: 10.15-10.45 Where: Seminar room K1, 1. floor TM53A
Greetings from the department 13.10.2023
Financing of Universities Recently, I and other members of Forskerforbundet received an invitation to the research policy seminar 2023: Ekstrem oppussing [renovation] av kunnskapssektoren? The meeting will be held in Oslo on 7 November. Should the university sector be given…
Thu 19. Oct. Digital Teacher’s Meeting @ BIO: Student produced films to be used in laboratory teaching
Student produced films to be used in laboratory teaching Presentation by professor Kirsten Krause, Department of Arctic and Marine Biology, UiT The Arctic University of Norway When: 12.15 Where: Contact if you have not received a link to this event!
UiB introduces a project applications’ module (Unit4)
UiB has introduced a project applications’ module linked to the finance system Unit4. All project applications involving external funding (not UiB internal funds) must now be registered in the applications’ module. The department’s research admin will register the applications in…
Are you thinking about hosting a trainee or guest student ? APPLICATION DEADLINE FOR SPRING 2024 IS OCTOBER 10TH
PLEASE NOTE: The deadline for the BIO to send information about the applicant to the Faculty: For traineeships/stays in the FALL semester (August – December): APRIL 25 For traineeships/stays in the SPRING semester (January – July): OCTOBER 10 No extension…
Mon 9. Oct. PhD defense, Agnieszka Maja Rumińska
Extra-pair mating and the evolution of cooperative behaviours When: 14.15-16.15 Where: Stort auditorium, Høyteknologisenteret