If you have plans to apply as coordinator (or partner!) to a NFR call in February 2023 please find the department’s internal deadlines below. Note the 14 December deadline to register your proposal(s) in skjemaker. If participating in more than one application,…
Category: BIO News
12 Dec. Master’s presentation, Andrea Viga Søndenå
Mucus cells abundance in the skin and gills of Atlantic salmon post-smolt, reared in recirculating aquaculture system and after transfer to sea 10.15 – 10.45 Zoom: contact Marthe.Hodneland@uib.no for link
13 Dec. Master’s presentation, Nora Stampe
Diet variability in black-legged kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla) in Kongsfjorden in relation to ongoing environmental changes 14.15 – 14.45 Seminarrom K1, Biologen, A-blokken
14 Dec. PhD mid-term presentation, Signe Svensson
Polychaetes as a mitigation approach for management of salmonid organic co-product by development of benthic IMTA 9.00 – 9.45 Seminar room K1, Biologen, A blokken
Greetings from the Department 2.12.2022
Dear colleagues, This week we have reached a major and important milestone that has characterized our entire year. Today we dispose of approximately 2,500 m2 of our office and lab space back to the Estate and facilities management division (EIA),…
Economy update 2.12.2022
Dear all, here is the status of the work with finances this week. Relocation: Relocation tasks has been on the agenda all this week. The last day of moving was Thursday 01 December, and as of Friday 02 December the…
Fire safety update
Recently we had fire safety drills in both buildings, T53 A/B and T55. Many of us have changed offices or labs recently, we therefore encourage everyone to familiarize themselves with the nearest emergency exit and have in mind an alternative…
Greetings from the Department – 25.11.2022
Busy times now before Christmas (as usual, and yep, it’s already ‘the time before Christmas’!). Exams to be prepared (or read for). Some New Year’s resolutions must be ticked off before it’s too late (possibly turning the tables in the…
Economy update 25.11.2022
Dear all, here is the status of the work with finances recently. Relocation status: It’s the last rush and last week of moving, and the level of activity is higher than ever.
15 Dec. BIO seminar and dinner. Sign up!
Christmas is upon us; we have really deserved it. More information regarding signing up, time, location and a small contribution can be found here: Velkommen til BIO – seminar og middag 15. desember (uib.no) Details from the Skjemaker sign up…