Stipends for staff-exchange within the north2north programme for the academic year 2025/26

[Our translation]

Hello everyone,

The national office for the mobility program north2north announces grant funds for exchange stays at north2north institutions in Canada, the USA and Europe. An updated overview of the member institutions can be found on UArctic’s website.   The purpose of the call is to strengthen connections and relationships between Norwegian and foreign north2north institutions and to stimulate increased student and employee mobility. Both academic and administrative staff can apply for support for exchange to north2north institutions abroad at set rates (see attached list of rates).


FINSEFONDET’S ENVIRONMENTAL GRANT 2025. NOK 300,000 for the preservation of Norwegian mountain nature. Do you have a project we should support?

The purpose of Finsefondet is to support research, investigations, and measures aimed at preserving Norwegian mountain nature. The Environmental Grant 2025 offers up to NOK 300,000. The deadline is April 1st.

Editorial – 14.02.2025

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in research and teaching has arisen several times in the past few meetings I have attended, either within the EECRG or within our Faggruppe, particularly in the relation to large-language models.

New member of staff – Christian Nilsson


My name is Christian and I’m a new PhD student at the Department of Biological Sciences and the Centre for Deep-Sea Research. I’ve just moved to Bergen from the city of Gothenburg, Sweden and will now embark on my 4-year PhD journey as part of the newly formed CBE (Chemosynthesis-Based Ecosystems) Arctic team.

BIO PROJECTS: DRIFT – Systematically Rethinking Advection and Cross-Ecosystem Subsidies

The open ocean may seem barren, but could its low productivity—transported by currents—fuel rich coastal and shelf ecosystems?

Marine ecology has traditionally viewed energy fluxes as moving from surface waters to the deep sea, and with shelf seas acting as energy sources for the open ocean. DRIFT, a four-year TMF Starting Grant Project (June 1, 2025-2029) led by Tom Langbehn, challenges this paradigm of open ocean deserts by exploring how the incredibly vast biomass of mesopelagic organisms, including small fish, krill, and gelatinous zooplankton, that passively drift with the currents, may sustain feeding hotspots and large predator communities along banks, seamounts, and underwater canyons.

Seven EU-funded (MSCA) postdocs to Bergen – including one BIO project

UiBs fagmiljøer kan ønske sju nye forskere fra utlandet velkommen til Bergen gjennom EUs stipendordning for erfarne forskere. Foto/ill.: Eivind Senneset

The University of Bergen (UiB) will host another seven international research fellows after a very successful application round in this year’s competition for MSCA funding from the EU. The grants will fund the researchers’ stay at UiB for two years.

The Department of Biological Sciences will host Hilary-Rose Dawson from the Australian National University. Supervisor will be Professor Vigdis Vandvik.
Project: SEEDTRAITS – Using seed functional traits to understand and predict alpine plant responses to global climate change

Read the whole article at


We have now received information about the internal application procedure for INTPART applications at UiB.  Note that the DEADLINE FOR REPORTING APPLICATION INITIATIVES TO THE INSTITUTE IS WEDNESDAY 26 FEBRUARY. Information about application initiatives coordinated by UiB/BIO should be sent to

UiB has received a quota of 10 applications (coordinated by UiB).  All initiatives will therefore be assessed and prioritized on the basis of submitted information, see below for details.  Applicants who have not submitted their application initiatives by this deadline will not be given the opportunity to apply.

Reminder: Please submit your reply to the ARK survey

On 27 January, the ARK questionnaire was sent to all employees at our department. The responses from the survey will form the basis for our local focus on the work environment – how we organise, plan, and carry out our work.

As part of this effort, I hope you will contribute to strengthening our department as a workplace by participating in the survey. You can be completely assured that your responses will remain anonymous. UiB uses the sector’s self-developed questionnaire (ARK), and you can read more about the survey here (