Man 16. sept. Horisontforedrag: Fusion power – the ultimate source for clean energy

Foto/ill.: Illustration: David Parker/Science Photo Library

The lecture (held in English)

Nuclear energy is, together with solar radiation, the only presently known energy resource which can supply humanity for an in practice indefinite time span. This Horizons lecture will describe the fundamental principles behind nuclear fusion, current research activities, and technologies being developed to make fusion power a reality.

More information: Fusion power – the ultimate source for clean energy | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences | UiB

About the lecturer
Professor Odd Erik Garcia works at UiT, where he is the leader of tha UiT Aurora Centre for Nonlinear Dynamics and Complex Systems Modeling (DYNAMO). He is also a visiting Scientist and Fulbright Scholar at MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center.

Practical information

  • When: Monday September 16th, 2024. Coffee and refreshments will be served from 15.45, and the lecture starts 16.15
  • Where: Egget, Studentsenteret (Parkveien 1).
  • For whom: The lecture is intended for a wider audience, will be held in English, and is part of the Horizons seminar series of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences dedicated to big questions. Everyone is welcome!

Vennlig hilsen/kind regards Kristin Bakken

Senior adviser

University of Bergen