Functional characterisation of salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) labial gland proteins: Implications for host immune modulation and anti-coagulation 15.15-18.00 Lille auditorium, Datablokken, Høyteknologisenteret Les Helenas pressemelding om avhandlingen – Lakselusspytt kan drepe immuncellene til laksen
Category: Kalender (BIO+UiB)
Darwin dagen 2025 12. februar – Life on other planets
Wednesday 12 February at 16:15 in Egget, Studentsenteret. Coffee and refreshments will be served from 15:45. The first planet in another solar system was discovered in 1995 and immediately raised existential questions: Are we alone? Could humans thrive on other…
Workshop: generative AI tools for research and studies February 3rd
The University Library invites researchers from the Faculty of Natural sciences and Technology to explore generative AI tools that may be useful for research and studies. When: February 3rd at 12:00-15:00 Where: Aktivt rom 1 – Realfagbygget Read more about…
PhD seminars on writing, searching and data management Spring 2025
This course for PhD candidates at the Faculty of Science and Technology provides candidates with essential tools to efficiently manage their research projects and publish the results. The course covers evaluating and managing existing literature, refining data management, and publishing strategy for research projects, and includes hands-on experience with academic writing. Completed course including…
Ons 22. jan. Presentasjon av masteroppgave, Amalie Johannessen
Fauna of Ægir Hydrothermal Vent Field 13.15-13.45 Inkubatoren (rom 439C1), 4et, Bioblokken, Høyteknologisenteret
Fre 24. jan. Ph.d. prøveforelesning, Miguel Angel Meca Jimenez
Marine metabarcoding: Applications and challenges 10.15-11.00 Lille auditorium, Datablokken, Høyteknologisenteret Evalueringskomité Professor Egil E. Karlsbakk, førsteamanuensis Christiane Eichner (begge Institutt for biovitenskap) og førsteamanuensis Aino Hosia (Universitetsmuseet i Bergen)
UiB AI – Frokostmøte 20. januar: Kunstig intelligens og utdanning
Hvordan påvirker kunstig intelligens og digital teknologi hva vi trenger å lære – og hvordan lærer vi det? 8.00-10.00 Storsalen, Nygårdsgaten 5 Påmeldingsfrist 16.01.2025 – 12.00 For flere detaljer se kalenderoppslaget for arrangementet
Man 16. des. Ph.d. prøveforelesning, Helena Marie Doherty Midtbø
Types of vaccines for farmed fish, their advantages and disadvantages and the immune responses they stimulate. 9.15-10.00 Lille auditorium, Høyteknologisenteret Evalueringskomité Anita Rønneseth, Tom Ole Nilsen og Øystein Sæle
Kick-off for VIS TILT – Academic Entrepreneurship Programme. Fredag 13. desember
Highly BIO-relevant inspirational talks by Karin Pittman, Christofer Troedsson and Frank F. Mikkelsen Curious about how to bring your research to life outside academia? This event provides a chance to explore just that. Through inspiring talks, hands-on activities, and networking,…
9-10 des. Public keynotes at SSH fish feed workshop next week
Perspectives from social science and humanities on fish feed – open lectures next week: