Category: Forskerutdanning

News from the BIO Early Career Researcher Community!

After the success of our two parties last semester, we are excited to keep the momentum going with more events and activities organized by the newly formed BIO Early Career Researcher Community, welcoming PhDs, Postdocs, Forkers, Technicians and all who…

EMB (European Marine Board) Ambassador Programme

The European Marine Board (EMB) Ambassador Programme, established in 2019, is a two-year programme aiming to increase awareness and engagement from early career scientists with current marine science-policy topics in Europe.

UiB FERD nyhetsbrev februar 2024

  February 2024 Welcome to the February edition of our monthly newsletter! As we find ourselves in the heart of winter, it’s the perfect time to reflect on our career goals and plan for the year ahead. Whether you’re exploring…

Fre 23. feb. Disputas, Victoria Røyseth

Discovery of novel marine clostripain-like proteases from Arctic hydrothermal vents – activation mechanism, substrate utilization and biotechnological aspects Tid: 10.15-12.45 Sted: Lille auditorium, Datablokken, TM55

Utlysning av Momentumprogrammet 2024-2025. Søknadsfrist 22. mars

Momentum er UiBs karriereutviklingsprogram for yngre UiB-forskere som ønsker en akademisk karriere. Utlysningen og søknadsskjema til Momentum 2024-2025 er nå åpen og tilgjengelig:  Søknadsfrist for kandidater til programmet er 22. mars.