Building an interactive network to advance research and education in viral ecology and evolution Ever wondered how viruses shape life in the ocean? CONFECT is here to spark curiosity and connect minds! CONFECT is an RCN-funded INTPART project (2021-2026) designed…
Category: BIO Prosjekter
BIO Project: EcoMap
Website: ECoMAP – Between the Fjords Outputs: CRISTIN Running time: 2021-2025 Funding: NFR Principal Investigators: Liv Guri Velle (NIBIO), Joachim Töpper (NINA), and Vigdis Vandvik (UiB).
BIO PROSJEKTER: DRIFT – Systematically Rethinking Advection and Cross-Ecosystem Subsidies
The open ocean may seem barren, but could its low productivity—transported by currents—fuel rich coastal and shelf ecosystems? Marine ecology has traditionally viewed energy fluxes as moving from surface waters to the deep sea, and with shelf seas acting as…
Sju EU-finansierte (MSCA) postdoktorer til Bergen – inkludert et BIO prosjekt
Universitetet i Bergen (UiB) kan ønske velkommen sju nye forskere fra utlandet etter en svært vellykket søknadsrunde i årets konkurranse om MSCA-finansiering fra EU. Tildelingene dekker toårige forskeropphold ved UiB. Institutt for biovitenskap vil være vertskap for Hilary-Rose Dawson fra Australian National…