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Category: Nyheter fra BIO
30 nov. MolBio seminar, Kirill Jefimov
Dynamic insight into the inner workings of the proteostasis network 9.15 – 10.00 Seminarrom 439C1 («Inkubatoren»), 4.et. Bioblokken Eller digitalt – kontakt Sandra.Ninzima@uib.no for lenke
1 des. Ph.d. forelesning over selvvalgt emne, Camila Pacheco Riano
Climate change impacts of tropical biodiversity 13.00 – 13.45 Lille auditorium, Datablokken
2. des. Disputas, Ragnhild Gya
Disentangling effects and context dependencies of climate change on alpine plants 13.15 – 16.00 VilVite, Nash Auditorium Les pressemeldingen
Spring 2023: 10 ECTs course on quantitative methods in virus ecology and bioinformatics
Økonomioppdatering 18.11.2022
Kjære kolleger, her følger en oppdatering på økonomiarbeidet ved BIO for tiden. Økonomiarbeid: Mens vi venter på endelig fordeling av budsjettet, har vi begynt med å utarbeide BIOs budsjett for neste år. Vi har startet med å se på kostnadene…
21. nov. Disputas, Sarah Marie Stoppel
13.15 – 15.00 Lille auditorium, Datablokken, Høyteknologisenteret Webinar: https://tinyurl.com/527xjw7k Norovirus in Pacific Oysters: Insights into Molecular Viability Assays and Mitigation Strategies to Improve Food Safety
21 nov. Midtveispresentasjon, Emily Denny
Shaping of hydrothermal microbiomes in response to energy availability: An ecological investigation of variance of deep sea chemoautotrophic microbial diversity at different scales in connection with energy sources 8:45 – 9:30 Seminarrom K3/K4, Blokk B, Biologen
22. nov. Student Poster Symposium at BIO – Autumn 2022
12.00 – 16.00 The mezzanine area, VilVite Everyone is warmly welcome to the student poster symposium for the following BIO-courses: BIO201, BIO250, BIO299, MOL231, MOL270 and BIO300a
24 and 25 Nov. Open Science Workshop: Collaborative reproducible science using version control
Aimed at: PhD students (but everyone is welcome) When: 24. November (13 – 16h) and 25. November (9 – 12h) Where: Biologen Blokk A K1+K2 Please sign up here: https://bit.ly/OSW-survey ! Deadline is 20. November 2022