20-23 Feb. PRIMA Learning Workshop on Using Stable Isotopes to Analyse Trophic Interactions in the Marine Environment

20-23 February 2023; Iziko Natural History Museum, Cape Town, South Africa

The PRIMA Learning Project invites participation in the Workshop “Using Stable Isotopes to Analyse Trophic Interactions in the Marine Environment” that will be held in Cape Town, South Africa. The workshop will be held over four days and will comprise (i) lectures from local and international practitioners in the field of stable isotope ecology; (ii) a visit to the Light Stable Isotope Laboratory, University of Cape Town, where participants will be shown how samples are processed and their isotopic signatures measured; and (iii) group work where participants will analyse stable isotope data collected from several marine organisms (primarily fish) sampled from a variety of ecosystems and write and present reports on those analyses.

This workshop is open to post-graduate students and early career scientists from Norway and South Africa. Full funding for travel, accommodation and subsistence can be arranged through the South Africa/Norway mobility project PRIMA Learning Applications to be sent to Anne Gro Vea Salvanes (Anne.Salvanes@uib.no) by the 5th of December 2022.
See https://www.uib.no/en/bio/123072/prima-learning

Read more in the workshop flyer