Report from the “PRIMA Learning” jellyfish workshop in Cape Town in February 2023

The participants in front of the course venue, Iziko South African Museum

Last week, an international workshop on the identification of gelatinous zooplankton was held in Cape Town. The workshop was organised as part of a mobility project (PRIMALearning) between the University of Bergen (UiB), Norway and the University of the Western Cape (UWC), South Africa. The project is conducted in collaboration with the EAF Nansen Programme, which is funded by the FAO (UN) and NORAD, with implementation via the Norwegian Institute of Marine Research (IMR). The jellyfish workshop was organised by Mark Gibbons and his PhD student Michael Brown from UWC, with co-teachers Aino Hosia and Luis Martell-Hernández from the UiB’s museum. The workshop was held at the Iziko South African Museum in Cape Town’s historic Company Gardens.

Another workshop on Stable isotope techniques for studies of trophic ecology is held at the same venue this week.

For more info, see this report written by Anne Gro Salvanes and Mark Gibbons.