PRIMA Learning – Stable Isotope Workshop in Cape Town in February 2023

Natalya Gallo (UiB)

Participants at the PRIMA Learning Stable Isotope Workshop that was held in Cape Town (20-23 February 2023) at the Iziko South African Museum.  Natalya Gallo and Carl van der Lingen has written this report from the course.

Back row, left to right are Oivind Andersen (UiB, Norway), Sander Digre (UiB, Norway), Katrine Melaa (UiB, Norway), Natalya Gallo (UiB, Norway), Mimi Maria Stokkeland (UiB, Norway), Daniel Seimberge (UiB, Norway), Carl van der Lingen (UWC, DFFE, South Africa), Julien Klutte (UWC, Namibia), Michael Brown (UWC, South Africa), Hendrina Kadila (NatMIRC, Namibia), Gareth Fee (UCT, South Africa); and front row, left to right are Maximillian Ratusinski (UiB, Norway), Pernille Nerlie (UiB, Norway), Bahia Brady (UWC, South Africa), Marte Asmul (UiB, Norway, Lourenco Zacarias (UWC, South Africa), Oussama Rbiai (UM5, Morocco), Miranda Aspelund (UiB, Norway) and Ingvild Riska (UiB, Norway).