Man 10 jun. Guest lecture by Dr. Jean Armengaud: Proteomics and Metaproteomics for the functional analysis of complex biological systems

  • 11.15-12.00
  • K3/K4, Biologen, B-blokken

Dr. Jean Armengaud is expert in proteogenomics, the alliance of genomics and proteomics for the characterization of non-model organisms, as well as in mass spectrometry for identification and characterization of pathogens and definition of biomarkers for medical and environmental purposes. He is Director of Research in The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA). He manages an advanced mass spectrometry research unit located in Marcoule, near Avignon in France (The ProGénoMIX platform, a center of excellence of proteomics in France, ProFi network) and the “Technological Innovations for Detection and Diagnosis Laboratory” (Li2D). His research team develops new methodologies for the functional study of microbiota by metaproteomics and explores their clinical and environmental applications.