Referat fra allmøtene 13. og 23. september (med dekan Gunn Mangerud)

Allmøte med dekan Gunn Mangerud mandag 23. september

The current landscape is marked by major geopolitical tensions and a paradox of more universities but less overall funding. A demographic shift means fewer students in the coming years, with Norway seeing a particularly low number of STEM students compared to other European countries. Despite these challenges, the faculty continues to deliver curiosity-driven research and a science-based curriculum.

To support research in the field, the faculty has established the STEM Education Research Centre (SERC). “Mattestuen,” a low-threshold math help center has also been established, helping with the biggest obstacle for first-year students, namely math.

A government white paper on the research system is expected in spring 2025.

External funding remains strong, with a total of 550 million NOK, and the faculty is pleased with this outcome. Notable funding sources include BOA 2024 and Horizon Europe 2022-2023, with 23 ERC applications this year. There is room for improvement still.

The faculty is developing a roadmap for research infrastructure, with more details expected soon. Research schools are fostering good networks, and the faculty will continue to support this. The faculty also hosts Norwegian Centers of Excellence in research and AI research centers, including two Marie Curie programs.

The faculty has been renamed the Faculty of Science and Technology to reflect its expanded focus on applicable and practical technologies.

Allmøte fredag 13. september

BIO hadde fredag 13.09.24 sitt første allmøte med ny instituttleder, Ståle Ellingsen.

Ståle hadde en rask presentasjon av seg selv der han også fortalte litt om sine ønsker og hva han synes er viktig for BIO. Det viktigste for han fremover er å bli bedre kjent med de ansatte og sette seg inn i de ulike gruppene på BIO, herunder også studentorganisasjonene.

Ståle ønsker at de ansatte skal bli bedre kjent med forskningen som foregår på tvers av faggrupper, derfor er det viktig med flere seminarer, dette kan styrke samarbeidet mellom faggruppene samt inspirere til kreativitet i forskningen.

Videre presenterte Mari, Alistair og Gyri de tre respektive Fripro prosjektene de har fått

ECC (Early Career Community) presenterte også sitt arbeid og deres planlagte aktivitet ut 2024.