Ledige stillinger – stipendiatstillinger (UiT og Aarhus Univ) og internships (Arctic Frontiers)

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PhD Fellow in Marine Biodiversity and Genomics in the Central Arctic Ocean (275588) | UiT The Arctic University of Norway


The Atmospheric Microbiology Group at Aarhus University is seeking two PhD students

to work on interdisciplinary projects at the intersection of microbiology, atmospheric science, and Arctic research:

  1. Identifying terrestrial sources of atmospheric microbial ice-nucleation proteins in the Arctic (More details here).
  2. Investigating in-cloud processes of Arctic bioaerosols (More details here).


Two paid internship/traineeship opportunities at Arctic Frontiers, starting 1st September 2025

We would be grateful if you could share information on two paid internship/traineeship opportunities at Arctic Frontiers, starting 1st September 2025. We are looking to fill two full-time, six-month (September-February), paid positions. The interns will work on the Young Program at Arctic Frontiers, including the Science for Kids, Science for Schools and Student Forum activities, in addition to collaborating on other aspects of Arctic Frontiers’ work including the annual conference.

For a full description of the position, plus requirements for the applicant and a link to apply, please see here: https://201703.webcruiter.no/Main/Recruit/Public/4932209901?link_source_id=5465334666

The deadline for applying is 23:59 on 23rd March 2025.