Ny medarbeider – Katja Malmborg

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I recently joined Inger Elisabeth Måren and her research group for a postdoctoral fellowship in the project BIOSPHERE. I have a PhD in sustainability science from Stockholm Resilience Centre. In my PhD, I collaborated with a biosphere reserve in Southern Sweden to explore methods for knowledge co-production, participatory ecosystem service assessment and how to incorporate an understanding for long-term resilience into local decision-making. I used workshops, interviews, surveys and document analysis to better understand participants’ learning and the impact on landscape management from local science-policy-practice collaborations.

In my postdoc in the BIOSPHERE project, I will continue exploring knowledge co-production together with the Nordhordland UNESCO Biosphere Reserve and Alver municipality. We will use methods such as public participation GIS, Seeds of Good Anthropocenes and a participatory resilience assessment to identify potential strategies for sustainable landscape management. Topics we might focus on include urban agriculture, revitalizing historic land ownership structures (tun), and cultural heritage in land management practices.