Summary from the BIO info meeting 19.02.24


  • BUDGET 2024

Accounts 2023 and budget 2024

Our economic results for 2023 is 40,9 mill NOK in accumulated deficit, a reduction of 6 mill compared to last year – considerably better than budgeted. The main reason for the reduction in the deficit was yet again an all time high result in funding from external projects and we also managed to keep our running costs at a low level.  On the other hand the increase in salary costs for 2023 was larger than budgeted, and unanticipated lab specific expenditure, losses on a small number of external projects and lower income from lab services contributed negatively.

The budget for 2024 will be tight. Our core funding will be reduced, and both salary and rental costs are expected to increase. We plan to keep our running costs on the same level as in 2023 and as for the last few years, permanent staff retiring during 2024 will not be replaced. We are planning for a slight increase in external project funding and will receive some additional internal (from UiB) income as well. The plan is to reduce our deficit with an additional 2 mill, to 38,9 by the end of 2024.

Follow-up of the work environment survey

The work environment survey resulted in a to-do-list of 12 different measures. We have given priority to the top 3 measures and will work with these throughout the spring semester.

  • The long-term staffing plan is ongoing. The group leaders are working on the course portfolio with future retirements in mind. All the group leaders will have separate meetings with their groups to inform more in detail on the ongoing process.
  • The strategy plan and action plan will be revised. A team will be established shortly and will go through the plans in order to identify problematic or unrealistic parts of the plan. Planned delivery of report: May 2024.
  • Internal communication at BIO will also be mapped. Knut Olav in the administration will lead a team to map our current information and communication channels, and suggest new channels where needed. Planned delivery of report: June 2024.