14.15–15.00 Bibliotek for matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fag, Realfagsbygget Facebook event: https://fb.me/e/3xWFpgr1a
Category: Kalender (BIO+UiB)
26. september. Arbeidsliv i endring – hva med arbeidsmiljøet ?
Digitalt frokostseminar mandag 26.september på Zoom kl.0830-1000
27. september. Disputas, Ferenc Tibor Kagan
Maternal gene evolution from a comparative perspective 09.15 Zoom webinar: https://tinyurl.com/bddcxj9x
27. september. Møte i instituttrådet
8.30-11.00 Styrehuset, A-blokken, Biologen Hovedsaker: Studieplanendringer, strategiplan for BIO 2022-2026 og handlingsplan for BIO for kjønnsbalanse, likestilling og mangfold.
30. September. Night at the Aquarium / State of the Ocean
Night at the Aquarium – State of the Ocean Akvariet i Bergen 30. september kl 19-23. Program og gratisbillettbestilling her
1. november. UiB Opp 2.12 Risk Management in research projects
Tid: 01.11.2022 Sted: FIA, Jekteviksbakken Påmeldingsfrist: 04.10.2022
1. november. Course: UIB Opp 2.15 Preparing for your next Horizon Europe proposal
01.11.2022 Forsknings- og innovasjonsavdelingen, Jekteviksbakken 31 Registration deadline: 18.10.2022
Invitation to the course PhD seminars on writing, searching and data management
This course for PhD candidates at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences provides candidates with the tools to efficiently manage their research projects and publish the results. Completed course including participation and activities can be credited with 1 ECTS…
Nordic AI Meet and Research School Annual Conference
For PhD candidates across Norway working on AI linked topics, Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium (NORA) is planning two important activities in November.
14. september. Utreiseseminar for forskere
Planlegger du et forskningsopphold i utlandet? Internasjonalt senter holder utreiseseminar for deg som planlegger et forskningsopphold i utlandet.