Functional characterisation of salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) labial gland proteins: Implications for host immune modulation and anti-coagulation 15.15-18.00 Lille auditorium, Datablokken, Høyteknologisenteret Les Helenas pressemelding om avhandlingen – Lakselusspytt kan drepe immuncellene til laksen
Category: Forskerutdanning
PhD seminars on writing, searching and data management Spring 2025
This course for PhD candidates at the Faculty of Science and Technology provides candidates with essential tools to efficiently manage their research projects and publish the results. The course covers evaluating and managing existing literature, refining data management, and publishing strategy for research projects, and includes hands-on experience with academic writing. Completed course including…
Fre 24. jan. Ph.d. prøveforelesning, Miguel Angel Meca Jimenez
Marine metabarcoding: Applications and challenges 10.15-11.00 Lille auditorium, Datablokken, Høyteknologisenteret Evalueringskomité Professor Egil E. Karlsbakk, førsteamanuensis Christiane Eichner (begge Institutt for biovitenskap) og førsteamanuensis Aino Hosia (Universitetsmuseet i Bergen)
Man 16. des. Ph.d. prøveforelesning, Helena Marie Doherty Midtbø
Types of vaccines for farmed fish, their advantages and disadvantages and the immune responses they stimulate. 9.15-10.00 Lille auditorium, Høyteknologisenteret Evalueringskomité Anita Rønneseth, Tom Ole Nilsen og Øystein Sæle
UiB Ferd Newsletter – December 2024
Click image to read the newsletter
Tir 10. des. Ph.d. midtveispresentasjon Lotte Svengård Dahlmo
The behaviour of spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) in Norwegian fjords subjected to hypoxia 11.15-12.00 Seminarrom K1, A-blokken, Biologen Veiledere: Knut Wiik Volset og Gaute Velle Evalueringskomité: Øystein Varpe og Jarl Giske
Tir 10. des. Ph.d. prøveforelesning, Ruben Javier Lopez
Microbial sulfur metabolism and its implication for climate change 14.15-15.00 Lille auditorium, Høyteknologisenteret Evalueringskomité Professor Gyri T. Haugland, professor Håkon Dahle, førsteamanuensis Anita Rønneseth, alle BIO
Ons 11. des. PhD midtveispresentasjon, Vincenzo Perria
Cardiopharyngeal progenitors fate and behaviour in the ascidian Ciona 13.30-14.15 Seminarrommet, Michael Sars senteret, 2. et. Bioblokken, Høyteknologisenteret
Fre 13. des. Disputas, HaoHang Fang
Interaction between dietary lipids and zinc in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) 9.15-12.00 Zoom webinar: Les HaoHangs pressemelding om avhandlingen
Man 25. nov. Ph.d. midtveispresentasjon, Mariana Vaz
Role of methionine in fish immune defences agains viral and parasite infection 10.15-11.00 Zoom webinar: