Protist parasites of Norwegian mussles (Mytilus spp.) with emphasis on Marteilia sp.) 10.15-11.00 K3/K4, Biologen, Thormøhlens gt 53B
Category: Forskerutdanning
Fre 17. mar. Ph.d. midtveispresentasjon Endre Lygre
Developing a feeding protocol for grow-out Atlantic halibut based on growth, physicaological resonses to feeding frequensis 9.15-10.00 Rom 439C1 («Inkubatoren»), 4et Bioblokken, Høyteknologisenteret
IJMS Mentorship for Early Career Scientists
ICES Journal of Marine Science is offering a mentorship programme to support early career scientists who are interested in learning more about scientific publishing and journal editing.
Tirs 21. febr. Ph.d. prøveforelesning – Varunjikar Madhushri Shrikant
Environmental DNA (eDNA): what is it and how can it be used in environmental monitoring and biodiversity studies? 14:15 Seminarrom K3, Blokk B, Biologen
European Marine Board opens call for 2 new Ambassadors
EMB is looking for two enthusiastic, engaged, and creative early career marine scientists to join their Ambassador Programme.
SUMMER school on the mesopelagic zone in Iceland May 22-26
SUMMER School in Iceland
UiBdoc: Mental health resources for PhDs/Postdocs at UiB (zoom)
Thursday, February 2nd, 12:00 – 13:00, Mental health resources for PhDs and Postdocs at UiB (zoom)
Invitation to all PhDs and Postdocs: Present your work at the SDG Conference 2023!
Dear PhDs and postdoctoral researchers, It is our pleasure to invite you to present your work at the upcoming SDG Conference 2023!
Utrecht Nettverkets Young Researcher’s Grant 2023-24 – søknadsfrist 6. februar
Under finner dere mer informasjon om Utrecht Nettverkets Young Researchers grant for 2023-24. Nettverket deler ut 20 stipend på 1000 € til MA eller PhD studenter som ønsker et forsknings-opphold på et av UN partneruniversitetene i minimum 4 uker i…
Invitation to the course PhD seminars on writing, searching and data management – 1 ECTS
This course for PhD candidates at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences provides candidates with the tools to efficiently manage their research projects and publish the results. Completed course including participation and activities can be credited with 1 ECTS…