Mastering academic English can be as important as mastering your discipline itself. This is a course for PhD candidates and Postdoctoral fellows at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science who want to improve their academic writing and presentation skills…
Category: Forskerutdanning
EU – Open Mission Ocean funding calls
There are a number of open funding calls specifically covering different aspects of the Mission: Restore our Ocean and Waters, all of which have a deadline of 27 September 2022. These calls cover topics including: European Blue Parks Waste-free European…
Tirsdag 28. juni. Disputas, Bjørg Kristine Hundal
Bjørg Kristine Hundal disputerer 28. juni for ph.d.-graden ved Universitetet i Bergen med avhandlingen «Optimisation of dietary n-3 and n-6 fatty acids for a robust Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)». Tid: 28.6.2022 – 14.15 Sted: Stort auditorium, HIB Les pressemeldingen
Man 27. juni. Disputas, Thomas Clegg
Thomas L Clegg disputerer 27.6.2022 for ph.d.-graden ved Universitetet i Bergen med avhandlingen «Estimating unreported catches in Norwegian fisheries». Tid: 27.6.2022 – 13.15 Sted: Stort auditorium, HIB Les pressemeldingen
Tirsdag 28. juni. Disputas, Zonglai Liang
Zonglai Liang disputerer 28.6.2022 for ph.d.-graden ved Universitetet i Bergen med avhandlingen «Exploring the function of Anoctamin family genes for Ciona intestinalis». Tid: 28.6.2022 – 12.15 Sted: Auditoriet, VilVite, Thormølens gt 51
Workshop: Opportunities for career outside academia
PhD candidates from all Arqus partner universities are invited to an event 23 June about careers outside academia, held in collaboration with The Norwegian Cognitive Center.
Newsletter Digital Life Norway Research School
Merk at det no er opent for abstract til Norwegian Bioinformatics Days (videreføring av dei tidlegare FUGE-møtene): I tillegg til postere og presentasjoner, er det også mogleg å sende idéar til workshoper.
7. juni. Prøveforelesning Heidi Kristina Meyer
17. juni. Disputas, Heidi Kristina Meyer
Tid og sted: Fredag 17. juni, Kl 09:15, Stort Auditorium, Datablokk, Høyteknologisenteret Thormøhlens gate 55 Avhandlingens tittel: Biodiversity and spatial ecology of arctic sponge grounds in the Nordic Seas