Metabolic pathways and physiological functions of organic and inorganic trace minerals in Atlantic Salmon 10.15-12.45 Stort auditorium, Datablokken Les Marialenas pressemelding
Category: Forskerutdanning
Tor 5. sept. Disputas, Maaike Zwier
Winds of change A. multi-proxy approach to constrain Holocene climate and wind dynamics in the sub-Antarctic 14.15-15.45 Lille auditorium, Datablokken Les Maaikes pressemelding
Early Career Researcher Getaway at the Marine Biological Station («Espegrend»)
Last week, 20 BIO early-career researchers gathered for a very enriching two-day retreat at the Marine Biological Station («Espegrend»). Together, we brainstormed exciting ideas for future ECR events, and took part in a workshop about career development led by Signe…
Tir 25 juni. Disputas, Kristine Fjordheim
Flower imprints from the history of mires and humans 10.15-12.15 Stort auditorium, Høyteknologisenteret Flere detaljer i kalenderoppslaget Les pressemeldingen om doktorgraden
Tir 18 jun. Ph.d. prøveforelesening, Kristine Fjordheim
Utilization of outfield resources through time – evaluate the potential of ancient DNA and macrofossils to enhance investigations based on palynology 10.15-11.00 Lille auditorium, Høyteknologisenteret
Fre 14 jun. Disputas, Giulio Rosano
Evolution of the delta family of ionotropic glutamate receptors 10.15-13.00 Stort auditorium, Høyteknologisenteret Kalenderoppslag om disputasen Pressemelding om doktorgraden
Man 3 jun. Ph.d. prøveforelesning, Giulio Rosano
Analysis of protein structure: An overview of state-of-the-art methods and their applications 10.30-11.15 Lille auditorium, Høyteknologisenteret
Tor 6. jun. Ph.d. prøveforelesning, Aishwarya Ravi
Autophagy during nutrient starvation – cellular and molecular mechanisms 13.15-14.00 Lille auditorium, Høyteknologisenteret (2. et, Datablokken)
UiB Ferd Newsletter May/June 2024
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Tir 21 mai. Disputas, Yuhong Wang
Nature’s View of Ionotropic Glutamate Receptors 10.15-12.15 Stort auditorium, Høyteknologisenteret