Digital Life Norway Research School: Spring courses/events

The Digital Life Norway Research School (DLNRS) is part of the Centre for Digital Life Norway, a national centre for biotechnology, research, and innovation. Membership in Digital Life Norway Research School is open to all PhD students and postdoctors at a Norwegian institution who feel that their project is related to digital biotechnology and life sciences in a broad sense.

Digital Life Norway research school offers a variety of PhD courses, travel grants, workshops, summer schools etc. to its members. Not a member yet, apply here!


Upcoming events:

Writing in the first year of your PhD – 6 – 7. April, Online

This is a one-day (2 half days) workshop that addresses writing in the 1st year of the doctorate. We have hired an experienced academic writing trainer, who will advise you on how to get started with your writing. In collaboration with the research school in neuroscience (NRSN). 

Writing up your PhD – 28. April, Online

This is a one-day workshop specifically for students in the final stages of writing up a doctoral thesis and will cover topics important to finishing off a thesis. In collaboration with the research school in neuroscience (NRSN). 

8th NorMIC Workshop on Biological Optical Microscopy – 2-6 May, UiO & Radium Hospitalet, Oslo

Tentative topics: Theory of microscopic image formation, difference between different imaging modalities (different wide field contrasting methods, super resolutions, nonlinear, light sheet etc), principles of fluorescence and probes, detectors and filters, introduction of image processing.  Hands-on operation on different high-end microscopes: LSM880, Olympus SpinSR, Abberrior STED, SPIM, 3D Printing.

Supervisor workshop for aspiring supervisors – 4-6 May, Bårdshaug Herregård, Orkanger

This three-day intensive course aims to prepare young researchers to be supervisors either at an early supervisor stage or before entering the role. It is tailored for young researchers in biotechnology and will consist of lectures, group work, and discussions.

Project management workshop – 19. May, Online

As a research student, many people will place demands on your time – supervisors, friends, colleagues and family, as well as other work commitments. Project management is a critical skill for research success, not just because it will make you more effective but also because it will help you to manage stress and enjoy more leisure time. In collaboration with the research school in neuroscience (NRSN). 

Writing for popular audience workshop – 26. May, Online

Do you want to share your research with people outside academia, but don’t quite know how to do it? Then this workshop is for you. In collaboration with the research school in neuroscience (NRSN). 

A hands-on course on artificial intelligence in computational biotechnology and medicine – 25. April – 7. June,  Bergen & Online

This course provides a practical, project-based, hands-on exploration of the state-of-the-art techniques and software frameworks from machine learning and deep learning for solving real-world problems from biomedicine, biotech, and related fields.

The 6th annual conference of Digital Life Norway Research School – 13-15 June, Voksenåsen Culture and Conference Hotel, Oslo

This is a great opportunity for our members to build their network, exchange research ideas, share their experiences, and have a lot of fun! The research school takes care of room bookings and payments at Voksenåsen Hotel. The research school covers all travel costs for all participants.