EMB ECOP Network Forum Event_8-9 October 2023_Call for interest_Deadline 21 April 2023

Dear Colleague,

The EMB Young Ambassadors are organizing a Forum for early career ocean professionals (ECOPs) from EMB organizations, with the support of the EMB Secretariat and back-to-back to the EurOCEAN conference happening in October 2023 (in Vigo, Spain).

This Forum will offer EMB ECOPs an important networking opportunity, as well as training in marine policies and communication. Furthermore, the group will deliver outputs on how to engage ECOPs in the marine science-policy landscape. The Forum will take place in Santiago de Compostela, Spain on 8-9 October 2023.

You can find more information on our forum on the EurOCEAN webpage and the flyer attached to this email.


Those who are eligible (by being affiliated with one or more of EMB’s member organisations) and interested to attend can complete the call for interest by 21 April 2023, after which a selection process will be conducted.

If you need any information about the Forum, please reach out!


Best regards,



On behalf of the EMB Young Ambassadors


Dr. Paula Kellett | Science Officer

European Marine Board ivzw | Jacobsenstraat 1 | 8400 Oostende | Belgium

Tel: +32 (0)59 33 69 25 ext. 6925 | Email: pkellett@marineboard.eu | www.marineboard.eu | @EMarineBoard

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