Fri 12. May. MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships – Info meeting for supervisors


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The Marie S. Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships scheme enables UiB supervisors to bring talented, younger and international researchers at postdoctoral stage to UiB for up to two years, and to build and/or enhance networking with other institutions and environments. Funding covers the salary for the researcher and contributes to research and management costs. Applications are always made jointly by the mobile researcher and a hosting institution (UiB), represented by a dedicated supervisor (UiB researcher).


Next deadlines: 13 September 2023, 11 September 2024


The meeting hosted by FIA will provide an overview of the funding scheme and focus particularly on the role and profile of supervisors, and how they can benefit from hosting a fellow.

An overview of the application process and routines at UiB will be given



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Meeting URL:
Meeting ID: 611 2692 9731
Password: nsgEX8Vc


Please note that the seminar is primarily meant for potential supervisors of EF/GF fellows, even if everyone is welcome to attend. UiB researchers who plan to apply for a European Postdoctoral Fellowship themselves as a fellow should contact the host institution abroad for application support. UiB researchers who plan to apply for a Global Postdoctoral Fellowship themselves as a fellow should be referred to the writing workshop in June.