Overgang til ny stilling – Ragnhild Gya

Foto/ill.: Jonathan Soulé

Some of you know me from before as I have walked the hallways at BIO for a while. My name is Ragnhild Gya, and I finished my masters on plant ecology in 2017 which was a part of my teacher education (lektorutdanning). Since the summer of 2018 I have done my PhD in alpine plant ecology, which I defended in December 2022. Now, 1st of June I started my four year postdoc in biology didactics (how to teach biology). I will be teaching 25% on the teacher education, and my research will be linked to biology education and finishing up my research from the PhD in alpine plant ecology. I plan to do my research on field courses and field teaching and I am very happy to talk to anyone interested in this – either as teachers or as researchers.