PHOTOSYNTECH is looking for new members!

BIO is part of a research school started in the autumn of 2022. It is called PHOTOSYNTECH – Photosynthetic Eukaryotes: From Fundamentals to Applications in Biology, Bioproduction and Biotechnology. It is lead by Kirsten Krause at University of Tromsø, and all Universities, University Colleges and research institutions working on related topics are partners.

“PHOTOSYNTECH” will establish an educational program at graduate level that will give PhD students with an interest in plant and algal biology in Norway a deeper scientific training and broader perspective and professional network regarding relevant working life areas. The Graduate School will provide a conceptual and logistic framework for:

*   Producing cohorts of well-connected and -equipped young researchers to tackle the challenges associated with sustainability and bioeconomy through interdisciplinary, collaborative and communicative efforts

*   Integrating innovation and circular economy business model thinking into academic schools of thinking

*   Providing non-academic stakeholders with opportunities to influence doctoral education

*   Increasing the awareness of the public and of authorities that a sustainable future depends inherently on the contributions of plant sciences, not only in the agricultural sector but also with respect to biotechnological, pharmaceutical and climate change-related innovation and a circular economy

*   Showing that scientists can responsibly assess side effects such as risks associated with genetically modified organisms (GMO), invasiveness of species, eutrophication, changes in carbon storage

So to all supervisors – this can be good opportunity for present and future PhD students, and for you as PhD students this is an opportunity for going to courses at other institutions, for networking and cooperation. Membership is free.

So – if you think this is interesting and want to join or want to know more about what PHOTOSYNTECH is contact Anne Bjune or you can check out the web page; Photosyntech – The Norwegian graduate school on Photosynthetic Eukaryotes<>!


All the best,




Anne Elisabeth Bjune