Mesenterial adult stem-like cells as a potential source of germinal and somatic lineages in a sea anemone 14.00-16.00 Stort auditorium, Høyteknologisenteret Les kunngjøringen Les pressemeldingen
Category: Forskerutdanning
Tor 25 mai. Ph.d. prøveforelesning, Andrea Papdine Morovicz
The role of lipids in regulating cell migration 11.15-12.00 Rom 439C1 (Inkubatoren), 4 et., Bioblokken, Høyteknologisenteret
Fre 26 mai. Ph.d. prøveforelesning, Laura Camila Pacheco Riaño
An overview of main ecological mechanisms behind climate responses in vascular plant distributions and community compositions 10.15-11.00 Stort auditorium, 2. et, Datablokken, Høyteknologisenteret
Fre 26 mai. Disputas, Laura Camila Pacheco Riaño
Unravelling the complexity of plant community responses to climate change 12.15-14.00 Stort auditorium, Datablokken, 2. et. Høyteknologisenteret eller Zoom webinar: Evalueringskomite Professor Kari Anne Braathen, UiT, førsteamanuensis Naia Morueta Holme, University of Denmark, professor Peter Manning, BIO, UiB Disputasleder…
UiB Ferd Newsletter for Early-Stage Researchers May 2023
UiB Ferd Career Center for Early-Stage Researchers UiB Ferd Career Center for Early-Stage Researchers supports younger researchers in their career development. The center will offer individual career guidance and a variety of courses to increase the target groups’ career awareness…
Ons 10. mai. Ph.d. midtveispresentasjon, Morgane Demeaux
Climate impact on the biodiversity and function of alpine soil ecosystem 9.30-10.15 Seminarrom K1/K2, Biologen, A-blokken
Tor 11. mai. Disputas, Patrik A. Tang
Thermal biological limits for osmoregulation, stress resilience and welfare in farmed post-smolt Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) 16.00-18.00 Stort auditorium, Datablokken, Høyteknologisenteret
Man 15. mai. Ph.d. midtveispresentasjon, Haohang Fang
Interaction between dietary lipid, fatty acids and zinc in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) 10.15-11.00 Seminarrom K1/K2, Biologen, A-blokken
Ons 3. mai. Ph.d. midtveispresentasjon, Francesco Saltalamacchia
Investigate how low-oxygen water conditions affect the performance, physiology and growth of mesopelagic fish, using the complex fjord system on the West coast of Norway as a model environment 10.15-11.00 Rom K1/K2, Thormøhlens gt 53A
Man 24. apr. Prøveforelesning og disputas, Jarrod Cusens
Prøveforelesning Transformative change toward sustainability: Concepts and pathways 11.30-12.15 Rom K3/K4, Blokk B, Biologen / Zoom webinar: Disputas Mapping the connections: an integrated approach to mapping nature’s contributions to people in a Nordic biosphere 14.15-17.00 Lille auditorium,…