SUMMER School in Iceland
Category: Forskerutdanning
UiBdoc: Mental health resources for PhDs/Postdocs at UiB (zoom)
Thursday, February 2nd, 12:00 – 13:00, Mental health resources for PhDs and Postdocs at UiB (zoom)
Invitation to all PhDs and Postdocs: Present your work at the SDG Conference 2023!
Dear PhDs and postdoctoral researchers, It is our pleasure to invite you to present your work at the upcoming SDG Conference 2023!
Utrecht Nettverkets Young Researcher’s Grant 2023-24 – søknadsfrist 6. februar
Under finner dere mer informasjon om Utrecht Nettverkets Young Researchers grant for 2023-24. Nettverket deler ut 20 stipend på 1000 € til MA eller PhD studenter som ønsker et forsknings-opphold på et av UN partneruniversitetene i minimum 4 uker i…
Invitation to the course PhD seminars on writing, searching and data management – 1 ECTS
This course for PhD candidates at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences provides candidates with the tools to efficiently manage their research projects and publish the results. Completed course including participation and activities can be credited with 1 ECTS…
Research Data Management and Scholarly Communication – UiB Library seminars V2023
The UiB University Library continues its popular Open Science seminar series in spring 2023 with a number of webinars on Research Data Management and Scholarly Communication. Both the Research Council of Norway and Horizon Europe assess Open Science in research…
16. jan. Ph.d. midtveispresentasjon, Vera Radisic
Wastewater as a source of population-based surveillance of antibiotic resistance and dissemination of antibiotic resistance in the marine environment 14:15-15:00 Seminarrom K2, A-blokken, Biologen
17 jan. Disputas, Mathilde Lindivat
Development of flow cytometry-based techniques for assessing microbial inactivation after water disinfection and downstream processes 11.00 – 13.00 Stort auditorium, Høyteknologisenteret eller digitalt:
Nytt frå Senter for digitalt liv Norge: Forskerskulekurs og priser
Senter for digitalt liv Norge forskerskulen har planlagt nye kurs for våren (sjå vedlagt dokument). NB: Forskerskulen er open for alle PhD og postdoktorer ved norske institusjonar som føler at prosjektet deira er relatert til digital bioteknologi og livsvitenskap (treng ikkje…
14 des. Ph.d. midtveispresentasjon, Signe G. Svensson
Polychaetes as a mitigation approach for management of salmonid organic co-product by development of benthic IMTA 9.00 – 9.45 Seminarrom K1, Biologen, A blokken