24 and 25 Nov. Open Science Workshop: Collaborative reproducible science using version control

Aimed at: PhD students (but everyone is welcome)

When: 24. November (13 – 16h) and 25. November (9 – 12h)

Where: Biologen Blokk A K1+K2

Please sign up here: https://bit.ly/OSW-survey ! Deadline is 20. November 2022

We are organizing a practical workshop focusing on Open Science and reproducibility in science projects.

This light-hearted workshop will cover practical exercises on:

  • Basics of version control (Git/GitHub)
  • Collaboration using branches and forks

Come and join us on a journey to become a scientist of the 21st century!



How to prepare: You need to have R (v 4.0. or higher), RStudio (v 1.4 or higher), Git installed on your computer and a GitHub account. In addition, you need to link your GitHub repo to RStudio.
Tutorial for linking Github and RStudio: https://bit.ly/OSW_setup_tutorial
Troubleshooting: https://bit.ly/OSW_git_troubleshooting

For questions contact: Aud (aud.halbritter@uib.no) or Ondřej (ondrej.mottl@uib.no)


All the best,



Mrg. Ondřej Mottl, Ph.D. (he/him/his)

Ecological and Environmental Change Research Group

Department of Biological Sciences

University of Bergen

PO Box 7803

N-5020 Bergen



Visiting address: Thormøhlensgate 53A, Bergen

website: https://www.uib.no/en/persons/Ondrej.Mottl

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9796-5081

Twitter: @OndrejMottl


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