Ny medarbeider – Kristine Birkeli

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Hi! My name is Kristine Birkeli, and I have been hanging out in these hallways for some time now. I have previously finished my bachelor’s degree in biology and master’s degree in Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity here at the University of Bergen. And now I am excited to share that I am the new PhD student for the DURIN project in the Between the Fjords group (check out the project and group here: https://betweenthefjords.w.uib.no/durin/ ).

For my project I will investigate dwarf-shrubs ability to take up and store carbon in open vs. forested environments found in both oceanic and continental climates in southern and northern Norway. My main supervisor and PI for the DURIN project is Vigdis Vandvik, and Inge Althuizen from NORCE will be my co-supervisor.

I am doing a four-year PhD, so I am excited to meet all of you and join some of you for my teaching duties.