Seabed Mining & biodiversity conservation
15.45-16.16 – Light refreshments
16.15-17.45 – Lecture
Egget, Studentsenteret
Seabed Mining & biodiversity conservation
15.45-16.16 – Light refreshments
16.15-17.45 – Lecture
Egget, Studentsenteret
One Ocean Week – Vision Of The Fjords
Plastnettverket ved UiB går i gang med en serie lunsjseminarer der forskere fra ulike disipliner presenterer plastrelatert forskning. Hold av datoene 27. april og 11. mai kl. 11.00-12.00! Oppdatert informasjon kommer!
Dear Colleague,
The EMB Young Ambassadors are organizing a Forum for early career ocean professionals (ECOPs) from EMB organizations, with the support of the EMB Secretariat and back-to-back to the EurOCEAN conference happening in October 2023 (in Vigo, Spain).