Category: HR

Ny medarbeider – Ingeborg Kahrs

Hi everyone, My name is Ingeborg, and I’m excited to start my four-year PhD in parasitology and immunology here at BIO. Originally from Oslo, I’ve been living in Bergen for the past 10 years.

Ny medarbeider – Thomas Tollaksvik

Hello! My name is Thomas, and at the beginning of July, I started my 4-year PhD-term here at BIO. My PhD-project is in collaboration with the Fish Immunology Group and is supervised by Anita Rønneseth.

Ny medarbeider – Nadja Meister

Hi! My name is Nadja Meister, and I have just started my four-year PhD in Marine Ecology. I come from Switzerland, but many of you might already know me since I completed my MSc in Marine Biology here at BIO.

Teknikerkartlegging 2023 – endelig rapport

Etter en høringsrunde med innspill og påfølgende korrigeringer er rapporten fra teknikerkartleggingen som ble gjennomført i 2023 nå ferdigstilt: Endelig rapport fra teknikerkartlegging 2023(N.B. Du må være innlogget i for å kunne åpne filen.)