Hei, Planlegger du/dere et arrangement under One Ocean Week 2025 5-11 april? Vi vil ha deg med på programmet!
Category: Eksterne arrangementer
Are you interested in IPBES? Webinar Tuesday March 11th
SINTEF’s strategic focus area on biodiversity and area use invite you to a webinar together with the Norwegian Environment Agency, University of Tromsø, University of Oslo, and NINA, where Norwegian authors and fellows will share their experiences including how and…
Ons 5. mars. Bioteknologirådet – Schizofreni i petriskål
Tid: kl 08.30-09.15 onsdag 5. mars Sted: Litteraturhuset i Bergen, sal Olav H Hauge Les mer
Invitation to Attend the MOST Workshops on Omics in Marine Ecotoxicology
Dear researcher/student, We are excited to invite you to participate in the MOST (MultiOmics Standardization in (eco)Toxicology) workshop series, which will start with an online event dedicated to advancing the application of omics technologies in marine ecotoxicological research. The online event will be…
Invitation: Workshop on NorEMSO Data and Facilities – One Ocean Week 2025
Dear all, We are delighted to invite you to the Workshop on NorEMSO Data and Facilities, part of One Ocean Week 2025, taking place in Bergen, Norway on April 11th.
Selskapet til Vitenskapenes Fremme. Årets første arrangement 7. februar: Plagiat! Juks!
Foto: SVT – Thomassen, Selnes, Vandvik, Lillebø Kanskje er det både lettare å plagiere og lettare å bli ferska for plagiat i dag enn det var då ordet plagiarus, som tyder kidnappar, første gong blei brukt i første århundre fvt.…
ICES Strategic Initiative on Integration of Early Career Scientists (SIIEFCS) – seminar series starting February 11th 2025
Hi, I am Taraneh a PhD student at bio. In my free time I volunteer for the ICES Strategic Initiative on Integration of Early Career Scientists (SIIECS). As a member of SIIECS, our primary goal is to enhance the visibility…
9th EMB Forum 2. April 2025
On Wednesday 2 April 2025, EMB will host its 9th Forum on ‘Addressing coastal and water resilience on the land-sea interface’. EMB’s open Fora provide an opportunity to bring together the marine science and policy communities to jointly discuss important…
Forskningsrådet: Søkerwebinar Kompetanse- og samarbeidsprosjekt og Tematisk forskerprosjekt 29. januar
Passer for: Har du spørsmål om utlysingar med frist i mars, bør du delta på dette webinaret. Pris: Gratis Sted: Arrangementet strømmes Tid: 29. jan. kl. 13.00–14.00 Søkerwebinar Kompetanse- og samarbeidsprosjekt og tematisk Forskerprosjekt
Pint of Science festival May 19-21st 2025 – looking for speakers!
My name is Léa, and I am responsible for the communication and media of the Bergen branch of Pint of Science Norway. Pint of Science (PoS)’s focus is to bring science closer to people on a local level with an…