8 feb. NoviFEED workshop i Bergen

Together with colleagues at SPAROS (Portugal) and Institute of Marine Research (IMR) in Bergen and as part of the NoviFEED project Professor Ivar Rønnestad is organizing a workshop on the impacts of dissolved oxygen on salmon farming. Both virtual and physical attendance is possible. Prof Sigurd Handeland will chair the event.

Hilsen fra instituttet – 6.1.2022

Foto: Eivind Senneset, UiB

Hei Alle,

Velkommen tilbake etter en velfortjent juleferie. Jeg håper dere alle har fått hvilt ut og ladet alle batteriene, slik at vi er klare for å ta fatt på et nytt semester med nye muligheter og utfordringer.

MolBio seminarer våren 2023

Mitosis. Stage four.
Foto: Colourbox – Andreas Hejnol

We are starting again with the MolBio seminar series. If you would like to be added to the list of speakers or just join as a member of the audience, please contact Sandra Ninzima ( sandra.ninzima@uib.no) for more information and to be added to the mailing list ; or just join us in the Seminar room “Incubator” (BioBlokk, 4th floor, 439C1).

MolBio seminars spring 2023