Category: Administrativ info

HMS-håndboken i ny drakt

HMS-håndboken til BIO er nå oppdatert og tilgjengelig i nytt format på nettsidene til BIO. HMS-håndbok for Institutt for biovitenskap | Institutt for biovitenskap (BIO) | UiB.

Preannouncement of EuroMarine Calls 2024

The 2024 EuroMarine Calls for Funding will be published soon. The terms of EuroMarine’s 2024 calls were outlined by the General Assembly and the Steering Committee (SC) during their 2024 meeting in February. These terms are summarised below in advance…

Ny medarbeider – Augusto Do Nascimento

Hi, I am Augusto. I will be working in the PPF Alpine Project for the next six months as a scientific assistant, where I am assisting with geospatial information and literature review on the Last Glacial Maximum alpine glaciers, in…